The Robb Jetty Structure Plan proposes to develop this land for a mix of zones, including a dense activity centre, public open space, residential (ranging up to R160 density), mixed business, mixed use, and a primary school site.
The Robb Street Jetty Local Structure Plan forms one of three Local Structure Plans for the larger Cockburn Coast Project area. At 46.67 hectares it is the largest in area and includes:
- A dense activity centre forming the core of the structure plan area
- Residential zones with densities ranging from R40 to R160
- A mixed business centre which accommodates a transition from existing industrial uses to an integration with residential uses
- Mixed-use zoning which provides an interface between residential zones and areas of dense activity or traffic flow
- A public purpose site to allow for the development of a primary school.
The Robb Jetty Local Structure Plan will provide a framework for subdivision and development through the coordination of land use, community facilities, services and infrastructure.
The Robb Jetty Structure Plan is set within the broader context and issues of the
Cockburn Coast District Structure Plan.
If you are looking to subdivide or develop in the Robb Jetty precinct, please consult the City’s local planning policy, which outlines the design guidelines and information on development in this area.