The reuse shop will be closed on Sundays. The shop is still open Friday and Saturday.
The meeting will be live streamed and is open to the public. Please register your attendance.
We are working with Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to help stop the spread of invasive pest Qfly. Read more.
In mid-February, the public waste drop-off will move to Dalison Avenue.
The service focuses on childcare provision for children under school age, however some before and after school care and school vacation care is also offered.
The service operates across the southern suburbs of Perth. Areas include Cockburn, Melville, Fremantle, East Fremantle, Cannington and Armadale. Search for a family day care educator Please contact Centrelink to obtain the required Customer Reference number (CRN) for the enrolling parent and each child being enrolled into the FDC Service. You also need to apply for the Commonwealth childcare subsidies at this time.
If you are interested in becoming a family day care educator, please contact the Family Day Care Service Manager (see below) for more information.
Here's why you should choose Family Day Care. View the video transcript in related documents below.
Please contact the City of Cockburn Family Day Care Service Manager on 08 9411 3303 or at [email protected] for more information on family day care, including how to become a family day care educator.