Roe 8 (West) and Roe 9

The consideration of potential future land use and zonings for the western section of the former Roe Highway corridor is underway. 


In late 2022 the State Government commenced the planning processes to determine the future use of the final unconstructed portions of Roe Highway (Stages 8 West and 9) primary regional road reservation.

Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Amendment

MRS Amendment 1404/41 is now complete.  On 28 November 2024 the MRS Amendment survived a motion of disallowance and was passed by Parliament.

The outcome was published in the Government Gazette 146 of 2024 (, with the plan being effective as of Friday 29 November 2024.

Relevant documents, including the initial proposal and report on submissions are available online from the Department of Planning and Heritage website:
MRS Major Amendment 1404/41 – Roe 8 Remainder and Roe 9 (Removal of Primary Regional Roads reservation) – Outcome of Amendment (

An extract of the current MRS Amending Plan is available in the document below.
  TPS3 Amendment
The City’s local planning scheme now needs to be changed to respond to the MRS outcome. In anticipation of the likely MRS outcome, on 14 December 2023 Council initiated Amendment 166 to TPS3 (OCM Minutes - Item 14.1.2)  

On 5 December 2024 the Minister for Planning granted ‘Consent to Advertise’ Amendment No.166.  In doing so he required modifications prior to advertising, most notably conversion of the Healy Road & Cardigan Street Precinct to Development Area 47, to allow a future structure plan to investigate whether a balanced approach between the landscape characteristics and bushfire management can result in a denser form of residential development.

Copies of the modified documents will be published on the City’s consultation website (Comment on Cockburn).  As a ‘complex’ amendment, the proposal needs to be advertised for a minimum period of 60 days.

Local Structure Planning (LSP)

Some areas will also need to form the subject of a Local Structure Plan before further subdivision and/or development can occur. 

To ensure an appropriately integrated outcome, the local scheme amendment includes the creation of a special control area (Development Area 46) that extends beyond the proposed Development zone.  By doing so, the City is not seeking to preclude minor development or improvements of land consistent with its existing zoning and residential density coding (e.g. construction of single houses and/or extensions etc.), rather it seeks to:
  • encourage landowners to check the progress of the structure planning process and consider the opportunities it may present; and
  • formally trigger City assessment of the impact development may have on the structure plan, ahead of major investment occurring on the ground that might unnecessarily compromise its outcome.


October 2022
The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) commenced community engagement into the preparation of a draft Concept Plan for the residual portions of the Roe Highway primary regional road reservation.  

A copy of the advertised Draft Concept is available in the document below.
January 2023
The City provided officer advice on the Draft Concept, recommending a number of changes and identifying key areas where it believed further investigation is required.
July 2023
WAPC commenced formal Public Consultation on MRS Amendment 1404/41 which seeks to transfer relates to re-zoning Roe Highway Primary Regional Roads reserve in Hamilton Hill, Coolbellup and Bibra Lake. 

The proposal was informed by an evolved ‘Indicative Concept Plan’, of which the primary extract is available in the document below.
September 2023
Council resolved to support the MRS Amendment subject to modifications. A key recommendation was to advise the State of its intention to mandate the requirement for future structure planning to include an east-west ‘green link’ in the responding local scheme amendment. 

You can read more in the Council Meeting Minutes – 14 September 2023 (Item 14.1.2).  
December 2023
Council resolved to initiate an amendment to the City’s local planning scheme (TPS3) to respond to the proposed MRS amendment (Council Meeting - Minutes 14 December 2023).

The scheme amendment proposes:
  • Replacing the current Roe Highway reservation with a Development zone, which will require the preparation of a local structure plan prior to any subdivision or development occurring.
  • Outlining the area for which a local structure plan would be required
  • Introducing a special control area, which will require the structure plan to provide for:
    • a green (ecological) link from the east to the west;
    • appropriate education, recreation and local commercial areas;
    • an appropriate mix of residential densities; and
    • local road linkages
The City requires the State government’s permission to publicly advertise the amendment (Environmental Protection Authority, and Minister for Planning).
January 2024
The MRS Amendment was considered by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) at its meeting on Wednesday 17 January 2024.
A copy of the agenda and minutes (including a summary of the deputations made) can be sourced directly from the Western Australian Planning Commission Agenda and Minutes page of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.
May 2024
A recommendation to the Minister on whether to allow the TPS Amendment in its current or a modified form, was considered by the WAPC at its Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) meeting on Tuesday 28 May 2024. 

A copy of the agenda and minutes can be sourced directly from the Statutory Planning Committee Agenda and Minutes page of the DPLH website.

Please note that consistent with its handling of all Scheme Amendments (for which the WAPC are not the determining authority), the proposal is listed as a Confidential Item, meaning that only the key matters for consideration are published.
June 2024
On 10 June 2024 the City received correspondence advising that the Amendment has been endorsed by the Minister for Planning without modification and approved by the Governor, and will now be presented to both Houses of Parliament. The amendment will remain in Parliament for twelve sitting days during which time it may, by resolution, disallow the amendment. As soon as the amendment is no longer subject to disallowance it becomes legally effective in the MRS.

The WAPC has considered and published all submissions received on the MRS amendment. Of note:
  • Section 7 of the Report on Submissions (pages 2-6 / pdf pages 12-16), includes a summary of the key issues raised and the WAPC’s response.
  • Schedule 2 – Submission No.185 (pdf pages 130-134), includes a summary and slightly more detailed commentary relating to the City’s own submission.
December 2024
On 4 December 2024 the City received confirmation that MRS Amendment 1404/41 is complete.  The outcome was published in the Government Gazette 146 of 2024, with the plan being effective as of Friday 29 November 2024.

On 5 December 2024 the Minister for Planning granted ‘Consent to Advertise’ Amendment No.166 subject to a list of modifications.

Structure Plan – more detailed planning

This Local Planning Scheme Amendment is not a structure plan. A structure plan provides more detail such as where housing or parks are to be located and key road links. This will happen later and will take time. Read more about this process on the Structure Plan Framework and Process page.

This process is typically instigated by submission of a draft proposal by the landowner (or a consultant engaged on their behalf). 
A number of different State Government Agencies, including Main Roads Western Australia, the Western Australian Planning Commission and Department of Communities, collectively own the majority of the existing corridor and therefore the State Government is responsible for developing the structure plan, not the local government.  

The Council has consistently advised the State government that a lead agency (such as DevelopmentWA) should be appointed to prepare the local structure plan for the area.

Questions about the local planning scheme and structure plan processes can be directed to the City on 08 9411 3444 or [email protected].

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City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar boodja. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to land, waters and culture and pay our respects to the Elders, past and present.