Recreation and Leisure Traders Licence

Application Process

Licenses are approved in accordance with Part VI, Division 2, and License of Local Laws
1. Assessment to undertake Commercial Activities on Council reserves and foreshores

a) Applications for a Traders License on Council reserves must include a site plan showing the area of proposed operation or development, nature of operation, any requirements associated with fixed plant or buildings, times of operation and necessary equipment;

b) Applications will be checked for consistency with any existing development plans, beach and reserve classification, gazetted or priority uses, other existing uses, potential conflict and any perceived beneficial or adverse impacts. If the proposal is in direct conflict with any identified use or beach classification, then the application must be automatically rejected;

c) Minimum $10,000,000 Public Liability cover to be provided and remain current for the period of license;

d) Provide up-to-date State and/or National Police Clearance Certificate and/or Working with Children Check according to the Traders License they are seeking, such as:

 i. State: required if Licensee will be transporting people
 ii. National: required for all new applicants and renewals
 iii. A current W WC check is required for all traders and assistants working in contact with children (valid for 3yrs)

e) Where required, obtain written approval from the Department of Transport – Marine Division, Fremantle Port Authority, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Work Safe and/or any other relevant statutory authority;

f) Where appropriate provide up to date Accreditation Certification prior to the commencement of operations and such policy to remain during the approval period;

g) Provide a Risk Management Plan;

h) New license applications may not be approved if a similar business is operating within at least 500m of the location on the same day/s. The City reserves the right to not provide permits under these circumstances.

2. Conditions of Approval
Applications received by the City will be assessed by the Chief Executive Officer or nominated officers under delegated  authority. The following conditions will be set for all Recreation and Leisure Traders License:

a) In general, any commercial operations should be located within the vicinity of existing parking, toilet facilities and take into account reserve access constraints. Proposals requiring extra parking or access are to be assessed in conjunction with a Reserve Management Plan, provided by the applicant, identifying any financial or other support required from Council for establishment and maintenance costs to enable the commercial operation to proceed;

b) A Licence under this Part shall be issued for a period of 12 months commencing  from 1 July  of that year until 30 June next after it is granted, or such a lesser period as specified in the licence:

c) The Licensee is required to ensure that the site is left in a clean and tidy condition during and after use;

d) The Licensee is required to ensure that the natural ground coverage or dune stabilisation growth is not disturbed;

e) The Licensee must forward a Certificate of Currency or copy of the Insurance Policy for a minimum of $10million Public Liability Insurance to Council prior to the commencement of operations and such Policy to remain current during the approval period;

f) Compliance with Council’s Local Law relating to signs and its statement of planning policy (Part12 Enforcement of Local Laws, Division 5 Section 12.29) with all signs being removed after each day’s trading or as agreed by Council at the completion of the event period in which the operation included;

g) The Licensee is responsible for ensuring that payment of all License and Charge Fees, together with the written approval from other Statutory Authorities, relevant Accreditation Certification and a Certificate of Currency have been submitted to Council’s Recreation Services Department prior to the commencement of operations;

h) Any substantiated complaints received will be forwarded to the operator for his/her attention. Should the operator be unable or unwilling to satisfactorily address such complaints, then consideration will be given to either varying the conditions of use, altering the location of the site or withdrawing permission for the continued use of the site;

i) Operations seeking renewal of their Traders License who have not satisfactorily addressed concerns by Council or complaints received will not have their Traders License renewed;

j) On-site inspections to be undertaken by Council Staff to determine if operation has had a detrimental environmental impact on the foreshore area. Should degradation of the site be evident, the operator will be requested to undertake necessary repairs and consideration will be given to altering the location of the site or withdrawing permission for the continued use of the foreshore or reserve area by the operator;

k) The Council may require an Acoustic Consultants Report from a Member of the Association of Australian Acoustics Consultants, indicating that noise levels will comply with prescribed standards;

l) Fees charged are in accordance with the fees and charges schedule set by Council with the inclusion of a bond at the discretion of the City;
m) Prior to final approval to being issued, Council’s staff will ensure that: all fees have been paid, written approval from  relevant statutory authorities had been obtained, a copy of the relevant Accreditation Certification, a copy of Public Liability Insurance Policy has been provided and the operator have satisfactorily addressed any previous concerns or complaints received in respect to their previous license;

n) Council reserves the right to withdraw permission for the use of the site, to alter the location of the site and/or vary conditions of use in relation to any Recreational Traders License issued

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City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

Office opening hours:
8.30am to 4.30pm
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar Boodja. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to Land, Waters and Culture and pay our respects to the Elders, past and present.