View the purpose of the meeting and live stream link.
Since around 9pm on Christmas Day we have had an issue with the City’s online forms.
In mid-February, the public waste drop-off will move to Dalison Avenue.
The Major Capital Works Grant is to support incorporated not-for-profit organisation/associations (sporting clubs) to plan and implement projects to develop, modify, upgrade, or extend sporting, recreation and community facilities.
The Major Capital Works Grant will only be available to incorporated and not-for-profit sport or recreation clubs that are:
The maximum grant available is $50,000 per project (exclusive of GST) however; the City's contribution towards Major Capital Works projects will not exceed 50% of the total project cost. It is important to note that contributions of voluntary labour and donated materials (in-kind contributions) can be recognised as a component of the applicant’s contribution towards projects.
For more information or to apply, please contact the Club Development Officer on 08 9411 3444 or email [email protected].