Register of Fees, Expenses and Allowances paid to Elected Members

In accordance with r29C(2)(f) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the City is required to publish the fees, expenses and allowances paid to Elected Members during a financial year after 1 July 2020.

Below is a list of fees, expenses and allowances that have been paid to the Mayor and Councillors for each financial year.
In accordance with r29C(2)(f) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the City is required to publish the fees, expenses and allowances paid to Elected Members during a financial year after 1 July 2020. Below is a list of fees, expenses and allowances that have been paid to the Mayor and Councillors for the financial year.
Name Mayoral Allowance Deputy Mayoral Allowance Annual Meeting Attendance Allowance Mileage Expenses Childcare Costs Information and Communication Technology Allowance Other Approved Expenses Amount
Mayor Logan Howlett $93,380.04 Nil $49,435.00 Nil Nil $3,500.00 Nil $146,315.04
Cr Carol LeChun Zhang Nil Nil $22,786.00 $184.86 Nil $1,445.00 Nil $24,415.86
Cr Kevin Allen Nil Nil $32,960.00 $174.41 Nil $3,500.00 Nil $36,634.41
Cr Michael Separovich Nil Nil $32,960.00 $76.83 Nil $3,500.00 Nil $36,536.83
Cr Phoebe Corke Nil Nil $32,960.00 $2,007.89 Nil $3,500.00 $252.32 $38,720.21
Cr Chontelle Stone / Deputy Mayor Nil $15,627.30 $32,960.00 $264.38 Nil $3,500.00 Nil $52,351.70
Cr Philip Eva Nil Nil $32,960.00 $183.26 Nil $3,500.00 $59.59 $36,702.85
Cr Tom Widenbar (Previously Deputy Mayor) Nil $7,717.72 $32,960.00 $1212.94 $3,988.50 $3,500.00 Nil $49,379.16
Cr Tarun Dewan Nil Nil $32,960.00 $986.67 Nil $3,500.00 $1,401.43 $38,848.10
Cr Carol Reeve-Fowkes Nil Nil $32,960.00 $288.77 Nil $3,500.00 $112.83 $36,861.60
In accordance with r29C(2)(f) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the City is required to publish the fees, expenses and allowances paid to Elected Members during a financial year after 1 July 2020. Below is a list of fees, expenses and allowances that have been paid to the Mayor and Councillors for the financial year.
Name Mayoral Allowance Deputy Mayoral Allowance Annual Meeting Attendance Allowance Mileage Expenses Childcare Costs Information and Communication Technology Allowance Other Approved Expenses Amount
Mayor Logan Howlett $91,997.04 Nil $48,704.03 Nil Nil $2,783.00 $598.90 $144,082.97
Cr Lara Kirkwood Nil Nil $21,646.64 $357.56 $4,109.00 $3,059.50 $74.74 $29,247.44
Cr Kevin Allen Nil Nil $32,469.96 $198.46 Nil $2,745.00 Nil $35,413.42
Cr Michael Separovich Nil Nil $32,469.96 $144.77 Nil $3,500.00 Nil $36,114.73
Cr Phoebe Corke Nil Nil $32,469.96 $1,412.18 Nil $3,500.00 $747.93 $38,130.07
Cr Chontelle Stone (Previously known as Chontelle Sands) Nil Nil $32,469.96 $107.41 Nil $2,750.00 Nil $35,327.37
Cr Phil Eva Nil Nil $32,469.96 $187.94 Nil $3,100.00 $411.81 $36,169.71
Cr Tom Widenbar/Deputy Mayor Widenbar Nil $22,999.20 $32,469.97 $683.40 $6,010.10 $3,500.00 $1,020.92 $66,683.59
Cr Tarun Dewan Nil Nil $32,469.96 $2,227.99 Nil $2,801.50 $1,898.30 $39,397.75
Cr Carol Reeve-Fowkes Nil Nil $31,766.44 $651.85 Nil $4,375.00 $120.98 $36,914.27
In accordance with r29C(2)(f) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the City is required to publish the fees, expenses and allowances paid to Elected Members during a financial year after 1 July 2020. Below is a list of fees, expenses and allowances that have been paid to the Mayor and Councillors for the financial year.
Name Mayoral Allowance Deputy Mayoral Allowance Annual Meeting Attendance Allowance Mileage Expenses Childcare Costs Information and Communication Technology Allowance Other Approved Expenses Amount
Mayor Logan Howlett** $89,756.64 Nil $47,516.04 ($391.71)


$2,783.00 Nil $139,663.97
Deputy Mayor Lara Kirkwood/Cr Kirkwood* Nil $6,900.46 $31,677.96 $665.55 $1,030 $3,059.50 $83.36 $43,416.83
Cr Lee-Anne Smith (resigned October 2021) Nil Nil $6,060.76 Nil Nil Nil Nil $6,060.76
Cr Chamonix Terblanche (resigned April 2022) Nil Nil $24,279.15 $368.20 $1,425.00 $3,500.00 $550.00 $30,122.35
Cr Kevin Allen Nil Nil $31,677.96 $944.97 Nil $2,744.50 Nil $35,367.43
Cr Michael Separovich Nil Nil $31,677.96 Nil Nil $3,500.00 Nil $35,177.96
Cr Phoebe Corke Nil Nil $31,677.96 $1,.450.22 Nil $3,500.00 $825.00 $37,453.18
Cr Chontelle Stone (Previous known as Chontelle Sands) Nil Nil $31,677.96 $735.30 Nil $2,750.00 Nil $35,163.26
Cr Phil Eva Nil Nil $31,677.96 $366.48 Nil $3,100.00 Nil $35,144.44
Cr Tom Widenbar/Deputy Mayor Widenbar* Nil $15,573.39 $31,777.96 $283.83 $2,610.00 $3,500.00 $121.50 $53,766.68
Cr Tarun Dewan Nil Nil $22,420.00 $1,199.32 Nil $2,801.50 Nil $26,420.82
Cr Carol Reeve-Fowkes*** Nil Nil Nil $3,077.46 Nil Nil Nil $3,077.46
* Cr Kirkwood was Deputy Mayor from 1 July 2021 to 16 October 2021
* Cr Widenbar was Deputy Mayor from 21 October 2021 to 30 June 2022
** Mayor Howlett reimbursed the City for private use of a vehicle
*** Cr Reeve-Fowkes was reimbursed mileage that applied for the period May 2017 to October 2019
In accordance with r29C(2)(f) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the City is required to publish the fees, expenses and allowances paid to Elected Members during a financial year after 1 July 2020. Below is a list of fees, expenses and allowances that have been paid to the Mayor and Councillors for the financial year.
Name Mayoral Allowance Deputy Mayoral Allowance Annual Meeting Attendance Allowance Mileage Expenses Childcare Costs Information and Communication Technology Allowance Other Approved Expenses Amount
Mayor Logan Howlett $89,753.04 Nil $47,516.04 Nil Nil $3,500.00 $144.39 $140,913.47
Deputy Mayor Lara Kirkwood/Cr Kirkwood Nil $22,437.96 $31,677.96 $1,106.94 Nil $3,500.00 $129.77 $58,852.63
Cr Lee-Anne Smith (resigned October 2021) Nil Nil $31,677.96 Nil Nil $3,500.00 Nil $35,177.96
Cr Chamonix Terblanche (resigned April 2022) Nil Nil $31,677.96 $513.08 $6,944.00 $3,500.00 $1,815.50 $44,450.54
Cr Kevin Allen Nil Nil $31,677.96 $488.64 Nil $3,500.00 Nil $35,666.60
Cr Michael Separovich Nil Nil $31,677.96 Nil Nil $3,500.00 Nil $35,177.96
Cr Phoebe Corke Nil Nil $31,677.96 $1,392.64 Nil $3,500.00 Nil $36,570.60
Cr Chontelle Sands Nil Nil $31,677.96 Nil Nil $3,500.00 Nil $35,177.96
Cr Phil Eva Nil Nil $31,677.96 Nil Nil $3,500.00 Nil $35,177.96
Cr Tom Widenbar Nil Nil $31,677.96 $994.18 $5,620.50 $3,500.00 $223.86 $42,016.50

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City of Cockburn
Whadjuk Boodja
9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

PO Box 1215, Bibra Lake DC,
Western Australia, 6965

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar boodja. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to land, waters and culture and pay our respects to the Elders, past and present.