The reuse shop will be closed on Sundays. The shop is still open Friday and Saturday.
The meeting will be live streamed and is open to the public. Please register your attendance.
We are working with Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development to help stop the spread of invasive pest Qfly. Read more.
In mid-February, the public waste drop-off will move to Dalison Avenue.
A draft concept plan for the installation of safe, accessible mountain bike trails at Manning Park is complete following five years of community consultation, research and planning. The plan for formalised trails in the popular park was previously supported in both the Perth Peel Mountain Bike Master Plan launched by the Environment Minister in 2017, and the City’s Manning Park Master Plan released in 2018. Construction of high standard trails in the park will cost about $2.5m, much of which will be supported by grants, with the first trails constructed in 2021, depending on funding availability. City of Cockburn Environment Manager Chris Beaton said the concept plan would help address environmental degradation and user conflicts at Manning Park, caused by the construction of unapproved trails and tracks through the area. “There is an ever increasing demand for approved well-designed and constructed mountain bike trails at Manning Park,” Mr Beaton said. “The concept plan is the culmination of extensive community consultation which was enthusiastically supported by local residents and the Cockburn and metropolitan mountain bike community.” Mr Beaton said the trails had been located to minimise impacts on other trails used by walkers and runners. “Mountain bike trails will commence at trail head points which link to the wider road network,” Mr Beaton said. “Mountain biking is one of the most popular activities at Manning Park and the vision is to create mountain bike destinations at the old north and south quarry sites, which would eventually be linked via the Spearwood Ridge Mountain Bike Loop.” Local residents are encouraged to provide feedback at Comment on Cockburn before the City embarks on detailed design for the trails. Have your say: Online – Complete a quick poll or send your comments via Comment on Cockburn by 17 July In Person – Attend an information session at Manning Park near the playground/main car park 4.30-5.30pm Wednesday, 24 June Call – 9411 3444 to speak to a project team member Comment on Cockburn is where you can have your say on a range of projects and important issues in your City. Visit the website to get involved with decision-making in your neighbourhood.