The City received a proposal for the name change by the Catherine Point Community Group (formerly the South Beach Community Group) and Port Coogee Community Association in 2023, and at the
14 December 2023 Council meeting the Council supported the proposal for assessment by Landgate. As part of that review process, Landgate will seek advice from the Geographic Names Committee (GNC).
This does not mean that change will occur, but rather progresses the request through to Landgate for review, with subsequent community consultation to be undertaken prior to a decision being made.
The method to change the name of a suburb is a lengthy and multi-phase process, which includes input from various stakeholders including the local government, community, Landgate and the GNC.
An inclusive and transparent community consultation will be undertaken in the event Landgate provides in-principle support for the name change proposal. The City understands a name change can have a significant impact on our local community. The consultation process is an expensive process, and Landgate have agreed to complete an in-principle assessment to give confidence to the City to only undertake community consultation if a compliant proposal capable of being accepted is presented.
Landgate is currently assessing the proposal and their advice is expected in the later part of 2024.
We appreciate this is an important issue for many in our community and we will continue to keep the community informed of the progress of the proposal. Should the proposal receive in principle support from Landgate, the City will then move forward with community consultation.
For more information on the name change proposal process, including
a process journey map, please visit
the Landgate website
Who recommended this change?The City of Cockburn received a submission from the Catherine Point Community Group (formerly South Beach Community Group) and the Port Coogee Community Association seeking to rename the suburb of North Coogee and vary the locality boundaries.
Has the City of Cockburn agreed to this change?The City of Cockburn Council supported the name change proposal and have submitted the proposal to Landgate to see if it complies with their requirements (seeking “in-principle” support).
The Council has not asked Landgate to change the suburb name at this stage.
What happens after Landgate assess the proposal?If Landgate deems the proposal to be compliant, then the City will undertake community consultation with residents, businesses and occupants in the suburb of North Coogee and surrounding streets, meeting Landgate’s minimum consultation requirements.
After the consultation is complete, the results and an officer report will be presented at a future Council meeting. The Council will consider the report and determine whether to make a formal request to Landgate to change the name or take no further action.
Has community consultation already occurred?Several community associations in the area have undertaken informal surveys of some residents and members. This information has been provided in their submission and shared amongst the community; however this is not deemed to be community consultation.
The City of Cockburn has not commenced any community consultation at this stage.
Official community consultation will be delivered by the City of Cockburn’s specialist Community Engagement team with all (anonymised) responses made publicly available in the Council report and on the City website.
When will the Community Consultation commence?The Community Consultation is dependent on in-principle support being provided by Landgate. The City anticipates Landgate will provide their assessment in late 2024.
If Landgate provide in-principle support, community consultation could commence as early as Summer 2024-25.
If Landgate do not provide in-principle support, the process stops, no consultation will occur on this proposal and the name remains unchanged.
What will the community consultation look like?The City will work with Landgate to develop a program of engagement that meets their minimum requirements.
The consultation activities have not been determined at this stage but it will include addressed letters to all residents, owners, occupiers and businesses in the suburb of North Coogee.
What happens if I don’t respond to the letter/survey?Firstly, it’s important to note the consultation program has not been confirmed and the City has not distributed any letters or surveys at this stage.
The Landgate requirements determine a ‘tacit consent’ method of response, which means any resident that does not respond to the letter/survey is considered to be in agreement with the proposal. For this reason, the City will undertake additional advertising efforts for the survey to encourage residents to share their views on the proposal to ensure any decision is in line with the needs of the community as a whole.
What is the process from here?
Landgate Assessment |
- Landgate considers if the submission meets their criteria
- Landgate shall assess whether the proposal is compliant against their regulations.
- If the proposal is given in-principle support, the process continues.
Community Consultation |
- City of Cockburn to undertake community consultation in alignment with Landgate requirements
- Feedback is compiled and a report is prepared for Council
Council Decision |
- Council review the community consultation report and the Officer report at an Ordinary Council Meeting
- Council determine to proceed with the proposed change or take no further action
Formal Submission |
- City of Cockburn, upon resolution of Council, lodges a formal submission to Landgate to change the name of the suburb
- Landgate make a determination on the formal submission