Cockburn Council adopts another low-rates Budget

Main points:
  • Cockburn households continue to pay some of Perth’s lowest rates, at a cost significantly below recent Consumer Price Index increases
  • The City will eliminate interest charges on all payment plans, including instalments, SmartRates, and other customised plans. The administration fee for ratepayers who receive their notices by mail, will also be removed
  • The City will proactively prioritise maintaining its current assets and infrastructure instead of taking on new projects. It will deliver a $43.9m maintenance and works program in 2023-24.
The City of Cockburn’s 2023-24 Budget has been adopted by Council, with Cockburn households continuing to pay some of Perth’s lowest rates, at a cost significantly below recent Consumer Price Index increases.

The 2023-24 Budget was adopted at a Special Council Meeting on Thursday 29 June.

Mayor Logan Howlett said despite ongoing high and rising inflation, building costs and interest rates coupled with a tight labour market, the City was committed to addressing community need. It will do this through various subsidised, low-cost or free initiatives, collaborations, and services.

To help alleviate costs for individuals and businesses, the City will eliminate interest charges on all payment plans, including instalments, SmartRates, and other customised plans. The administration fee for ratepayers who receive their notices by mail, will also be removed.
“The City offers a range of rate payment options, including Smart Rates which allow ratepayers to make weekly, fortnightly or four-weekly direct debit repayments,” Mayor Howlett said.

“We also offer free financial counselling services for families facing financial difficulty. 

“Like everyone in our community, the City is operating in a challenging, high-cost environment, paying more to sustain current service levels.

“In response, we will proactively prioritise maintaining our current assets and infrastructure instead of taking on new projects. We will deliver a $43.9m maintenance and works program in 2023-24.

“Funding for several major new construction projects have not been included in the capital budget, but continue to be held within the City’s financial reserves.

“Budgeting decisions will be made for the Cockburn ARC expansion, Malabar Park BMX facility, and Aboriginal Cultural and Visitors Centre when Council awards successful tenders for these project.”

Mayor Howlett said the City would maintain a balanced budget despite the current inflationary economic climate and ratepayers and residents could be confident the high quality essential services the City was renowned for, would continue.

“In 2023-24, the City will donate more than $1.45m to the community through grants and donations and continue to offer numerous free community events such as the vibrant award-winning Coogee Live event.
“We will continue to maintain 408 parks and reserves, and 214 playgrounds, care for 64,022 park and verge trees, 876km of road, 845km of footpaths and ensure the upkeep of hundreds of community facilities, including the award-winning Cockburn ARC and Port Coogee Marina. 

“We will continue to offer one of the best waste collection services in WA, including six annual trailer passes to Henderson Waste Recovery Park, and CoSafe will continue to offer a responsive safety and security service to our community.

“We will also continue to empower our business sector with a range of workshops and initiatives, specialist training programs and professional development opportunities.

“This will foster its ongoing success, and ensure a vibrant community that continues to prosper despite the tough economic climate. I encourage everyone to support their local businesses and keep Cockburn vital and nimble as we meet these challenges together.”
Budget highlights:
  • Renewals and upgrades to City-owned facilities – $6.3m 
  • New toilet and visitor amenities at Omeo Park, North Coogee – $1.5m
  • Erosion reduction reef trial expansion, North Coogee – $0.944m  
  • Tree planting – $0.75m  
  • New CCTV – $0.57m  
  • Wally Hagan Recreation Centre redevelopment business case – $0.3m
Road upgrades:
  • Phoenix and Rockingham Road (Spearwood) intersection – $1.285m 
  • Hammond Road: Branch to Bartram (Success) duplication – $1.07m
For more information visit the City's Budget and Rates for 2023-24 website page.

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City of Cockburn
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9 Coleville Crescent,
Spearwood 6163

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Western Australia, 6965

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Cockburn Nyungar moort Beeliar boodja-k kaadadjiny. Koora, yeyi, benang baalap nidja boodja-k kaaradjiny.
Ngalak kaditj boodjar kep wer kaadidjiny kalyakool yoodaniny, wer koora wer yeyi ngalak Birdiya koota-djinanginy.

City of Cockburn acknowledges the Nyungar people of Beeliar boodja. Long ago, now and in the future they care for Country.
We acknowledge a continuing connection to land, waters and culture and pay our respects to the Elders, past and present.